Please bring a mask, as although past the acute phase, the Covid-19 pandemic has not yet ended. The aim is to protect both staff and patients visiting the clinic from inadvertent exposure to the Covid-19 virus or to similar infectious disease, and compliance in this matter helps the clinic to run smoothly.
Before entry into the clinic, patients and visitors are required to answer several questions from a checklist, which relate to general and specific symptoms and to recent positive case exposure.
Unfortunately we generally cannot see patients at the clinic who have recently developed respiratory or ‘sinus’ symptoms, or other symptoms indicative of Covid-19 infection. Telehealth or care at a Respiratory Clinic can be arranged.
Mask exemptions granted elsewhere even if by medical personnel will require re-validation by Dr Daly or by Monica the Registered Nurse, and for special arrangements to be made if accepted.
Once inside the clinic, please hand sanitise or hand wash with soap in the bathroom.
The clinic’s air quality is monitored, and maintained by air purifiers in all consulting rooms/waiting room, along with fresh air both taken in/exhausted out by high speed inline fans.
Drinking or eating is not allowed in the waiting room, as it would require mask removal.